About us
President - David Ambaras, Professor, History, dambaras@gmail.com
Vice-President - Madhusudan Katti, Associate Professor, Leadership in Public Science, leafwarbler@gmail.com
Treasurer-Secretary - Stephen Porter, Professor, Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development, porterstephenr@gmail.com
At-large Executive Committee member: Xiaolin Duan, Professor, History, dxl108@gmail.com
At-large Executive Committee member: Walter Robinson, Professor, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, warobins1013@gmail.com
Keep up with the Chapter's news and events, sign up for our listserv by going to https://groups.google.com/g/aaup-ncsu-listserv and clicking on "Ask to join group". Consider doing this from your personal gmail account.
Contact the chapter
Contact us at aaup.ncsu@gmail.com.
You can find our chapter by-laws here.